Design 100% unique gift basket or box

Design 100% unique gift basket or box

Give a gift that supports female entrepreneurs in Oregon

Give a gift that supports female entrepreneurs in Oregon

5 Easy Ways to Support Local Small E-Commerce Businesses

5 Easy Ways to Support Local Small E-Commerce Businesses

It’s Getting Crowded in Here….

With the global pandemic pushing brick and mortar businesses and large retailers even more into the online space, it’s become crucial for the small, local e-commerce business to receive your support. It’s a ‘big guy’ vs ‘little guy’ scenario where the ‘little guy’ almost certainly gets beat. Many of us small e-commerce businesses are run as solo-preneurs or by husband/wife teams or by small families. We are an important part of a thriving local economy that is often overlooked. We are your neighbors and we not only support ourselves and our families through our businesses, but we also help support our local vendors and their families and we all spend our money within our communities.

We Need YOU!

The small online e-commerce business could never have the same money, resources, help or time that could allow us to compete with the “big guys”. We must therefore rely on maximizing the free and inexpensive channels we have and that means we rely on YOU, our clients, friends, contacts, neighbors and our vendors and other business contacts to help leverage our social media and online resources. You have the power to create that “lightning in a bottle” exposure for a small business online that punches through the shadows made over us by the giants, just by engaging with us and encouraging others to do so as well.

Your time is valuable, but it doesn’t take a lot of it to lend a helping hand. There are five easy things that you can do to help promote your favorite local online business that takes only seconds, yet provides such incredible value and opportunity that could help advance or even save your treasured local business. You have the power! Here’s how you can wield it……

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