Bella Vino Gift Baskets, LLC is an online service dba as Bella Vino Gifts in Corvallis, Oregon. Specializing in custom personal & corporate Oregon made gifts featuring small women and family owned businesses.
If you reach voicemail, sincere apologies as your interest is very valuable. We are a small business that prides itself on customer service, so if you reach our vm, we are either on deliveries, in meetings with clients or have hands tied up in making bows! Please leave a message & we will return your call asap--usually same day, but always within 24 hours, if left later in the afternoon.
We ask that Oregon made VENDORS seeking placement in our inventory or those asking for DONATIONS, please DO NOT CALL as we get so many inquiries that it ties up our lines for ordering customers. We will not return any voicemails left by vendors seeking sales or organizations seeking donations.